Wednesday 28 November 2012

Review: Etude House Mini JamJam Hand Lotion

Review of Etude House Mini JamJam Hand Lotion
By Han

I love trying different hand creams, especially ones like this cute mini one. This product is steamed milk flavour, but it also comes in strawberry.
It comes in a small (really small!) matte plastic tube which allows you to squeeze the product out easily, and the design on the front is absolutely adorable.

milk moustache ftw :D

The smell of the product isn’t like steamed milk (whatever steamed milk is supposed to smell like, anyway), but more like baby powder, and the scent isn’t overpowering, especially when the hand cream is rubbed in.

In terms of the moisture it provides, this hand cream isn’t as good as other Etude House products like the Missing U hand creams, so I find myself reapplying after every 2 or so hours. However, it is very light and absorbs quickly, and it does make hands feel soft without too much stickiness or greasiness.

I also love the size of this product – it can fit in my pocket without looking like a suspicious bulge :)
I recommend this product for summertime, or if your hands just need light moisture during the day.

Pink Sakura is simply awesome. The prices, deals and choice of quality products are amazing, but most of all I love the service! It’s so convenient, and Pink Sakura is always helpful and happy to help :)

Comment from Pink Sakura:
Thank you so much for your review Han ^-^
You can find the product Here
The strawberry scent Here

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